are scripts compiled together or by separate .txt files?


New member
Nov 20, 2015
Hi all, I can compile one script (one .chl file from one .txt file) without a problem, all paths are ok, compiler working normally, but when I want to add another script (one or more to the same map), how do I do that? Should I combine the contents of different .txt files in one .txt file or are the .txt files compiled individually by the complier ? if it is the first supposition, I would need to know  how to integrate them into the content of the main script...if it is the second supposition, I guess it would be as easy as putting  all the .txt files in the folder to get the .chl file. I didnt came up with any explanation to this from the tutoriales. Any help would be great...

Thank you all...
Im not sure if my question is clear enough...say I have one file (.txt) with a simple script in it, without a god or creature...only people and things and I have another .txt file with a creature do I put them together to get a .chl file that has people, things and the creature, all together in the same map?
Thanks again...
You normally have a txt file. This file has a list of your txt files which contain the scripts.
To add another txt file just add it to the list in that file.

In this file it would look like:

Thats all you really need to do.

Hope this helps
Thank you Willy, I guess you mean the Challenges.txt file, that file contains the scripts text files, I did try this before but the compiler complained with errors, so I got confused not knowing where the error was...At least I have the security now, thanks again pal....