All the tribes on the same map, is this possible ?


New member
Jan 10, 2015
Hi, I'm new here  !

I now I'm kind of late since it's now 2015 and this game was released a decade ago !

I was wondering if it there was a map with all the tribes on it. If not, is this possible to do with the editor tool ? (or something called like that..)

I'm kind of sure there's no one anymore here (and that's really sad...) but I might as well try !

Happy new year, gods and goddess !
I don't think B&W2 (the main game engine) was ever intended to be multiplayer, just you v Computer AI.

B&W1 on the other hand was made to handle up to 8 players, you plus a mix of real or AI players.
Thank you for the quick answer.

I've actually played B&W 1. And I know that B&W 2 doesn't have any multiplayer unfortunately.
I wasn't actually talking about including multiple IAs but only the different people (aztecs, japanese, greeks) and why not some of their buildings.
Just to play in some sort of big sand box with every tribes. No mater with if there would be an IA or not at all.

If it could be eventually possible, I wouldn't mind starting to use that editor tool !
From my understanding of how  B&W2 works each God  has it's own AI and building style, so it would need a B&W1 style mode to have the  the use of multiple other race buildings on a single land.
In B&W2  this dose not seem to exist.
Alright, I will still try to do something nice with that landscape editor though
I was expecting this but I need some help...

I had no Idea how to play with a customized map edited on Landscape editor, so I followed this scripting tutorial :

So basically I replaced the tutorial of B&W 2 with the custom map. But when I start a new game, the game crashes...

How do you guys load your custom maps ? Is there a solution to my problem ?
Thank you