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  1. Daniels118

    CHL debugger for Black & White: Creature Isle

    Hi all! I have released the first beta version of my debugger for B&W CI! First demo video: Main features update the CHL scripts while the game is running patch individual ASM instructions without stopping the scripts breakpoints (normal, conditional, hit count), with optional commands to be...
  2. Daniels118

    New Challenge Script (CHL) compiler

    Just a correction on my early statements after deeper analysis. The scripts from Mac version are at last version. The missing file was just there with a wrong name (see posts above). The header files aren't obsolete but newer (but still incompatible) because they are for the Creature Isle...
  3. Daniels118

    Source files for Creature Isle challenges

    Hi all, I have finally completed the decompiler for CHL files for Creature Isle, and I've decompiled the original challenge file. This not only give us the ability to change the behavior of the game, but also shows the usage of undocumented statements, and a previously unknown feature: passing...
  4. Daniels118

    New Challenge Script (CHL) compiler

    The file as is cannot be incorporated, it can only be used in place of the original story. It can be incorporated into the original story at source level, but then you have to compile it. I'll explain both. Replacing the original story First, you have to backup the original story file and your...
  5. Daniels118

    New Challenge Script (CHL) compiler

    Good news! I have just released the full version (0.2) of the tool. It can now compile the original story, and of course can be used to write a new one. I have made a simple challenge (inspired by one of the original samples) that will let you play bowling... with villagers in place of pins! Of...
  6. Daniels118

    New Challenge Script (CHL) compiler

    I can't believe I haven't seen it, I'm ashamed! Thank you for having opened my eyes!
  7. Daniels118

    New Challenge Script (CHL) compiler

    Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! You saved my day! May I ask how you got this file?
  8. Daniels118

    New Challenge Script (CHL) compiler

    Good news! The compiler is almost done, I now have just one small obstacle: the current challenge.chl contains code from various source files, one of which is "ControlNemesisBattleStrategy.txt" which wasn't in the zip with sources from Mac version. Without this file I cannot rebuild the whole...
  9. Daniels118

    CHL syntax highlight for Notepad++

    Hi all! While I'm working on the new compiler I have prepared a user defined language in Notepad++ to highlight the syntax of CHL source files. A file opened this way looks like this (colors can be changed): I have attached the UDL file, to install it follow these instructions. You may...
  10. Daniels118

    New Challenge Script (CHL) compiler

    Hi Kratzean, at the moment I am focused on the CHL for the base game, but it wouldn't be too hard to extend my work to CI expansion too (they are basically the same format, CI just enables some more functions, for example the ones to control football match). For the moment I'm working on a...
  11. Daniels118

    New Challenge Script (CHL) compiler

    I don't know in which release/subfolder they are supposed to be, but you can download a copy from here. Well, not exactly. Consider the following code: PUSHI 1 PUSHF [Boy] SYS GET_PROPERTY //[2, 1] (SCRIPT_OBJECT_PROPERTY_TYPE prop, Object object) returns (int|float) PUSHF...
  12. Daniels118

    New Challenge Script (CHL) compiler

    Hi QuantumFluctuator, B&W uses 2 languages: a) map script: is an interpreted language used to initialize maps (which probably you already know). As far as I know, this language hasn't control flow statements, so it doesn't allow to implement any kind of logic. Examples can be found as plain text...
  13. Daniels118

    New Challenge Script (CHL) compiler

    Hi all, this is my first post on this forum, so... nice to meet you all! A brief introduction about me and B&W I started playing B&W when I was a child, and I played the story mode again about 3 times over the years. The game mechanic is fantastic and the story too, but after playing it so many...
  14. Daniels118

    "You must have Black & White installed to play Creature Isle"

    Download and extract anywhere the attached archive, double click the extracted file and confirm the choice. After that you can get rid of the file. Enjoy :)