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  1. N

    Persistant Data folder

    Hi guys I am trying to restore an old profile. Where does the persistant data folder go? Thanks
  2. N

    Need a good creature mind

    Hi all, I was browsing the creature minds section of this website, but hardly any of them have a description as to what the create mind is like. I am doing a playthrough on YouTube, and I don't want to train my creature, it's too time consuming for me to do right now, and I'm not good at it...
  3. N

    Land 1 Creature Guide

    Hey everyone, I haven't played B&W for a while, but I started playing it again. Is the big creature you encounter on Land 1 supposed to be a Bear, or a Ram/Sheep? I saw a video online where it was a Ram/Sheep, but when I play it's always been a Bear as far as I can recall. Why is this?
  4. N

    Won't stop watering trees

    Hi everyone. I played B&W a long time ago and just remembered about the game a few days ago and reinstalled it. I immediately used the creature changer to change to the Lion as I like him the best. Then I went to the Extreme Growth map and got him to around 84% before going back to the first...