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  1. alecunlimited


    I've also got a problem in this land - the villagers refuse to do anything the lazy blighters  :suspect If they need food, buildings need constructing, or they need ore, whatever, they simply won't do anything, even if the only thing for them to do is go home to sleep at sleepsie time. I have...
  2. alecunlimited

    I tweeted lionhead on twitter about Black & White 3.

    Hold on, I'm having a panic attack - whenever I go to the website, all I get is a redirect to the Fable III site on  :cry It does the same for just as well?!? Is it just me or is anyone else getting this?? EDIT:: hold on, when I google, all...
  3. alecunlimited

    B&W on natal...

    Talking of the Wiimote - this vid of using it for head-tracking to yield a 3D display is truly heroic - the guy who did it is a legend  :yes. Anyhows, it seems natal would capable of taking head-tracking in its stride without the need for any special apparel, and it might be fun (though only for...
  4. alecunlimited

    Never thought Id ask this...

    hmmm, it probably won't be any use, but for some reason two nights ago my AV picked up  white.exe as a potential threat having never done so before; might be worth trying it without AV turned on?
  5. alecunlimited

    Landscape editor Strange error.

    well what error does it come up with?
  6. alecunlimited

    Cutscene Music?

    it's an old folk-song IIRC, author unknown! Title unknown at this end as well I'm afraid  :p
  7. alecunlimited

    ATI X1300 Pro - The Way To Go.

    yep  :) And here's the 4670 - not as cheap mind you, but that bump in the clock speeds and the faster memory should be decent
  8. alecunlimited

    62 bit question

    In the start menu search bar just type 'dxdiag' and press enter. Then have a peek under the 'display' tab  :)
  9. alecunlimited

    BW2 Modding Tools

    It could be that B&W is not in the directory the batch file is expecting, in which case, do thusly: Right click the batch file and choose 'send to' >> compressed(zipped) folder. This is as an easy backup in case you need to get the original back Right click the batch file again, and this time...
  10. alecunlimited

    ATI X1300 Pro - The Way To Go.

    None of those cards are AGP like the one Draken listed. Having said that, so far as I can tell ATI is still the only one out of themselves and NVidia still doing any development on AGP, but they stop at 4670 from what I can tell, so still three generations newer  :p Even for older systems...
  11. alecunlimited

    Tracking Population

    So far as I can tell, the children desire rockets as soon as they have surplus food, as well as extra space - have a look at what happens to the offspring desire as you remove food from the store, it should go down as the food desire flag ascends. It also seems to me that the building desire...
  12. alecunlimited

    Lost Mod?

    Sounds like SkelApe's Jungle Book-esq mod: clicky  :p
  13. alecunlimited

    best evil and best good creature

    For me, the best looking neutral creature is the Tiger, and the best looking good creatures are the Leapard and Moo-Cow. Normally I use a good Tiger though with the skin swapped out for the neutral one  :yes
  14. alecunlimited

    Landscape editing on a not-so-fast laptop

    you could try going    settings >> constant update      and make sure it is disabled, which may help you a little although it seems to update each time you move the camera so it will likely still appear choppy  :(
  15. alecunlimited

    Landscape Editor is playing up.

    This can be a problem when you copy and paste map files around; if I have to move them I will always put them in a zip folder and then drag them out of the folder to the desired location, so it will decompress the file to that location with no read only formatting. You might try setting the...
  16. alecunlimited

    Why can't my temple have nice things!?

    Indeed, the way the opponants in BW are immune to the normal parameters that the player must face is a royal cop-out. I too hate this issue with the opponant being able to reach my temple no matter how far away it is. For some reason the temple seems to always be within the opponants' influence...
  17. alecunlimited


    Waiaye! alt + s
  18. alecunlimited

    Good Game, but what the hell was Peter Molyneux thinking?

    Also, during its development Lionhead initially stacked the new game on top of all the code they wrote for the first, which turned out to be like controlling the seven heads of the Hydra, and hence one year in they ditched it and started from scratch. Anglo, I think I remember also that...
  19. alecunlimited

    Good Game, but what the hell was Peter Molyneux thinking?

    He didn't remove it, it just wasn't finished in time for the release. Before it's release there was an article (I forget where  :suspect) I seem to remember that reported the developers playing against each other in the studios. The same goes for the skirmish mode, the weakly scripted opponant...
  20. alecunlimited

    Anglo-Saxon Cumbria

    pffft, it'll be a month of sundays before I recognise any of this 'cumbria' nonesense - to me t'will remain always as Cumberland, Westmorland, and Lancashire-north-of-the-sands  :upside And if I see anything untoward happening over my home in Westmorland then all hell shall be let loose  :;)...