Recent content by Steele

  1. S


    Steele submitted a new resource: St-BWWolf - A new texture for the Wolf creature. Read more about this resource...
  2. S

    St-BWWolf 1.0.0

    A new texture for the Wolf creature. First started work on this in January of '08, finally got around to finishing it in December '08.
  3. S

    New Wolf skin.

    Well, it's Christmas, so..
  4. S

    New Wolf skin.

    It's been a week now, and I still haven't received a reply, nor seen him on MSN. I looked around a bit, and found that he hasn't updated his website nor uploaded anything to filefront in a year. On his website, he states that he once moved to a location where internet was not available, and it's...
  5. S

    New Wolf skin.

    I emailed the creators of the other skins I mentioned a few days ago, and asked for permission to upload mine. So far I have received a reply from only one of the three, giving me permission. In the readme of one of the other skins, the creator states that you may do what you wish with the skin...
  6. S

    New Wolf skin.

    Started working on this in either March or April, and I think I may finally be satisfied with it. I've used parts of three other skins to make this, and won't upload it until I have gotten permission to do so from the creators of those skins. I know that at a glance it looks like a simple...
  7. S

    Beach Ball from Hell

    When I bought them, I intended to simply give him something to do. I had played the game before a few years back, but had forgotten how buggy the things are. I'm using the 1.2 patch, and that isn't helping either. The ball really started getting on my nerves last night, however, as I was trying...
  8. S

    Beach Ball from Hell

    I hate the beach ball. It floats. Bounces on air phasing through solid objects until it bounces into the ocean and respawns in one of the creature pens. Creature tries to play with it.. and it knocks him over, and he is usually covered in his own blood when he stands back up. Did Lionhead even...
  9. S

    Editing AI God symbols?

    Who said you had to buy Photoshop? :p
  10. S

    Editing AI God symbols?

    Using Photoshop CS, I open them as .raw files, open a regular player symbol, make it a pattern, paint it over the AI symbol, save it as a .raw, make a copy of the  edited .raw file, and change its extension to .cps.
  11. S

    Editing AI God symbols?

    More work? More risk? Not at all. All you need to do is open the AI symbols, change it to whatever you wish, and save the file. In other words, the same thing you would do for any player symbol. As for risk, if you have half a brain you'd have a backup of the old AI symbols just in case...
  12. S

    Editing AI God symbols?

    I figured it out. The following files are the AI God symbols; Kazarr.cps Kazarrl.cps Lethis.cps Lethisl.cps nemesis.cps nemesisl.cps All of which are located within Data\Textures. They are all .raw files. I tried renaming Kazarr.cps to Kazarr.raw, and it opened just fine in Photosop CS.
  13. S

    Map script help

    I think Black and White Express Map Editor is just buggy. I used it to convert the three online maps included with the game into skirmish maps, and then tried to convert them back to online maps, and it gave the same error. Might have to look for another editor, should one exist.
  14. S

    Map script help

    The main problem was that the Temples were too close together, and I noticed a few other mistakes that could have caused crashes also. rem --------------- DOOM ISLE SCRIPT --------------- rem --------------- MISCELLANEOUS --------------- VERSION(2.300000) SET_LAND_NUMBER(0)...
  15. S

    Editing AI God symbols?

    How would I go about editing the symbols of AI Gods? I've seen replacements for download here, but can't figure out how to do it myself.