Recent content by Sonicboom

  1. S

    Witch's Hand (Evil)

    Sonicboom submitted a new resource: Witch's Hand (Evil) - My first skin! Some parts are blacked out... Read more about this resource...
  2. S

    Witch's Hand (Evil) 1.0.0

    My first skin! Some parts are blacked out... Yeah, I'm kind of a begginer at skinning but I thought I'd share my first creation with the world
  3. S

    About this skin...

    I'm mking and brown colored skin but I'm not sure what to call it without offending anyone PWEASE  :help
  4. S

    Why Haven't my skins gone through yet?

    Thank you for telling me why!
  5. S

    Why Haven't my skins gone through yet?

    I don't mean to be impatient but I uploaded a witch's hand and a woman's hand but they both are not download able yet. This could have something to do with there being no picture because I don't know how to take one. So, please tell me why.
  6. S

    I have the most awesome idea!!!

    How 'bout a Black And White game where you take the role of nemesis as he rose from a new god to an all powerful god. Just thought I'd see if it's something I should really consider telling somebody other than all my freinds about.
  7. S

    How did you find Black & White?

    I saw it on this history of video games tv special a long time ago and I saw it for $2.00 in the cd section of a thrifttown and bought it. Now it's my favorite game that's not sonic 3 and knuckles for genesis
  8. S

    Skin request(s)

    I'd like Homer Simpson for Black and White 1!