Recent content by Silver113

  1. Silver113

    Map editor/creater

    errr, nvm found it in my C: drive  :rolleyes
  2. Silver113

    Map editor/creater

    i tried to install surveyor and all it does is the setup, thaeres nowhere to actually run the program
  3. Silver113

    Map editor/creater

    I'm looking for a simple map editor that will allow me to create my own maps, something not hard to use or so simple that it cannot do have the things i want to do. Thanks.
  4. Silver113

    Re: Of Gods And Mortals

    Looks great :yourock:! Only question i have is that will the AI gods be able to do anything they wish outside of their influence, i noticed in the AI video on of the gods grabbed a tree fairly far away from his(her) influence ring.