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Demonic Titans 1.0.0

In this map, the best of my demonic titans will battle against you.
This map is great to test the utter limits of your strength and resolve.

Featured in this map is Cronus the all consumer, a mighty wolf who will rain explosive fires upon your city reinforced.

Also featured is slave, a cruel turtle who has been relentlessly beaten
and tortured with spells. Slave is a strong fighter who likes lightning.

Beware at all cost Overlord, my first true titan he still stands willing
to rain explosions and tornados upon your creature.

Talos, Scourge and Dominicas are all based on the same mind file, but each has been doctored to use favorite miracles and to behave differently towards various creatures and villages.

Finally the Gremlin King is here! Fed a steady and strict, nigh stalinistic
diet of humans and negatively reinforced, this creature knows no kindness unfortunately his psyche can't fully be transferred.
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